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Get IMEI for iOS7 programmatically

in XCode 4.6, iOS 6.1, we use CoreTelephony to obtain IMEI, the same way mentioned in get IMEI on iPhone with CoreTelephony? question, but after switching to iOS7 and XCode 5 it doesn't work anymore. My system considers IMEI as an unbreakable way to identify a cellphone and guarantee it is linked to a specific user, also other security issues depend on this identifier. With the new iOS the code is not working and we hadn't found a way to obtain it.

My central question is: What options do I have to obtain IMEI in iOS7 / XCode 5?

Variations are: - How else could I guarantee a cellphone belongs to a specific person? Identity is very important in my system and ownership of device is a requisite. - What other options do we have to keep secure the system without the need to rewrite too much?

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Carlos Aguirre Tradeco Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 08:03

Carlos Aguirre Tradeco

2 Answers

Unless there is a private API solution found - our organization is moving forward with placing the IMEI and phone# into our Enterprise Applications as a guarded Application Settings.

With the new camera based barcode recognition of iOS7 - the IMEI can even be scanned from the phone box during initial kitting and deployment rather than entered by hand.

We also considered tracking the identifierForVendor UUID in a database etc. linking to IMEI/Phone# but since it can change and since our historical data is all IMEI based - didn't make sense to add that layer of tracking complexity to a semi-useless identifier that doesn't trace back to a universal meaningful tracking mechanism like Phone/IMEI.

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user2175843 Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 06:04


You should not be getting IMEI in first place as you're using private API and this is against Apple rules.

To get unique identifier for device you should use identifierForVendor method. This will always return the same id across all your apps running on the same phone. See apple docs for more detail.

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qwiboo Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 07:04
