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Is there a way to add multiple properties in the Unity 3d animation window at once?

In Unity you can animate an object (such as a character) with the animation window:

Animation Window

And you can select properties of the object that you want to animate:

Property Dropdown

My problem is that it seems you can only add a single property at a time and then the whole list closes:

Single Property

This causes a big problem when you want to animate every part of a full human (or any type of complex) 3d model:

All parts of model

My Question: Is there some way I can add more than one property at the same time? Or atleast not have the window of properties close, that way I can just keep choosing them?

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ThatGuyRussell Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 00:03


1 Answers

Worth mentioning as well that if you right click on the transform instead of hitting the plus sign you can just add an entire group of transforms and the menu does not close. Should speed things up

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Kalimando Malivol Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 05:04

Kalimando Malivol