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New posts in css-animations

keyframes animation in html css not working

Div gets hidden after CSS animating

html css css-animations

Create counter using CSS keyframes

CSS animate transition of background image getting darker

CSS slide page up animation- element briefly shows before the animation

css css-animations

CSS Transition after animation ends

Animation paused with transition

html css css-animations

Animate dot after dot from an image using CSS3 or jQuery

Animate background image's position back and forth

css css-animations

Why this CSS3 animation doesn't work in MS Edge or IE11?

css svg css-animations

Pure CSS rotate animation broken while in infinite loop

html css css-animations

How can I put my @keyframes declaration inline in my HTML/SVG?

html css svg css-animations

Circular progress show more than 100%

SVG animation struggles with Safari 13.1 (Mac OS & IOS)

High CPU usage with CSS rotation in Spotify

CSS3 keyframe animation not working in firefox and IE

CSS transition - tilting test-tube containing liquid

Freeze keyframe animation for debugging

SVG icon animation leaves a pixel gap

CSS3 animate or transition elements into position after removal of an element above