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New posts in css-shapes

Responsive triangle div

Crop Rotated Shape In HTML

html css css-shapes

How to center CSS-shapes within a wrapper in a row

Center css chevron in div

html css css-shapes

linear-gradient triangle with 2 gradient levels (color stops)

Text-align text 45 degrees [duplicate]

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How to create custom triangular shape using CSS

html css css-shapes

Is it possible to hide/remove borders inside of intersected area of multiple divs?

html css css-shapes

How can I create "sun like" lines around a circle?

css css-shapes

How to add a half circle at the bottom middle of my header?

html css shapes css-shapes

CSS 3D Box Hover Effect - Diagonal Corners

css css-shapes

CSS transition - tilting test-tube containing liquid

Anti-aliasing on CSS shapes in Firefox

Responsive triangle with border to container's height and width [duplicate]

Creating a responsive triangle with repeating background image

How to create a custom shape - css

html css css-shapes

Circle div balloon

html css css-shapes

Is it possible to position items around the circle?

html css css-shapes

Beveled corner on a rounded button

html css border css-shapes

css shape-outside not working

css css-shapes