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New posts in css-transforms

Using multiple .style.transform on same element

translateZ not working on Firefox

css rotate background from middle to corner

Translate x and y with a different timing functions?

Rotating elements according to cursor position with jQuery

Anti-aliasing on CSS shapes in Firefox

CSS Diamond / Triangle shaped divider line / border

How to fix dancing button?

html css css-transforms

Why isn't -moz-animation working?

CSS 'transform rotate' creates artifacts

html css css-transforms

Creating a card flipper with front/back faces WITHOUT absolut positioning

CSS incrementing transition animation on every button click

How to combine element transformations?

Fullscreen CSS3 "Cube" Transition

CSS - Transform function not working on links?

html css css-transforms

Rotating CSS cube on fixed axes

css 3d rotation css-transforms

Flip a 3D card with CSS

How to rotate in Internet Explorer

Difference in CSS rotate 359 vs rotate 360

css css-transforms

Html/Css Triangle with pseudo elements