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New posts in nsfetchrequest

Core Data: Fetch via specific property (join relationship)

Evaluate CoreData entity type in predicate

Recipes for changing the Fetch Request for NSFetchedResultsController and reloading table data

iOS: natural sort order

How to insert a new Object into an Entity and set the relationship of that object with an existing object of another entity?

NSPredicate from Core Data selecting by Object ID (and potentially summing)

Swift: Search for string in core data model

NSFetchRequest Core Data Swift 3 Backward compatibility

"Whole word" search in a NSString through NSPredicate

core data fetch last 20 records in ascending order?

-[NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector

Core Data crash: Keypath Project not found in entity

How to fetch just object IDs but also include the row data in CoreData?

UITableView not updating DataSource after change to NSFetchedResultsController

Core data executeFetchRequest fail with exc_bad_access

Swift - CoreData NSPredicate - Fetch Children of parent