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New posts in nsfetchrequest

NSFetchRequest sum, group by and sorting

RestKit and Managed Object Contexts

Access FetchRequest from xcdatamodel in iOS

CoreData Predicate get every sentence that contains any word in array

Core Data: keypath name not found in entity

NSSortdescriptor ineffective on fetch result from NSManagedContext

Is there anything bad about reusing an NSFetchRequest for several different fetches with Core Data?

CoreData NSFetchRequest returns results but section number of objects returns 0

efficiently display 100,000 items using Core Data

Core Data Fetch requests slow on large data set

NSPredicate 'The left hand side for an ALL or ANY operator must be either an NSArray or NSSet'

Swift Core Data - Request with distinct results

Core Data NSFetchRequest with grouping

NSPredicate that filters out subclass results

core data - fetch attribute that match one of the values in an array

How to fetch specific records in Core data

Core Data pattern: how to efficiently update local info with changes from network?

FetchRequest - NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type - Swift 2.0

how we can search all records using NSPredicate rather than setting fetchController nil?

iOS CoreData NSPredicate to query multiple properties at once