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New posts in large-files

Progressively read binary file in JavaScript

How can I process a large CSV file line by line?

off_t without -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 on a file > 2GB

c file large-files

Remote linux server to remote linux server large sparse files copy - How To?

Searching for string in massive files efficiently

Generate large file and send it

python tornado large-files

API for simple File (line count) functions in Java

Indexing / random access to 7zip .7z archives

Binary search over a huge file with unknown line length

ASP.NET C# OutofMemoryException On Large File Upload

Portable support for large files

c++ c large-files

How get unique lines from a very large file in linux?

linux large-files uniq

How do quickly search through a .csv file in Python

Best file system to transfer 5+GB files between OS X and Windows on removable media

How Can I Get Around this EOutOfMemory Exception When Encoding a Very Large File?

What's the best way to load large JSON lists in Python? [duplicate]

python json large-files

using php to download files, not working on large files? [duplicate]

php download large-files

Fast Search to see if a String Exists in Large Files with Delphi

Comparing two large files

How to cleanly handle source code and data in a repository