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NSFetchRequest as entityName gives error "use of undeclared type"

swift entity nsfetchrequest

Core Data search optimization

how to group by day with core data?

Core Data fetch request optimization

NSDictionaryResultType expression not taking into account newly inserted objects

core-data nsfetchrequest

How to limit the number of results in a FetchRequest in SwiftUI

NSFetchRequest without sort descriptors

invalid json response body error with Express node-fetch using formData

How to rerun @FetchRequest with new predicate based on user input?

swiftui nsfetchrequest

Is it possible to sort by subclasses in an `NSFetchRequest` without adding additional attributes?

Core Data NSPredicate filter by entity class?

Not found an object in coredata after added to a relationship

How to automatically reflect CoreData+iCloud Changes in SwiftUI view?

Sort by entity name in NSFetchRequest

CoreData ordered relationships - batch unfaulting using NSFetchRequest

Improve speed for updating existing records (~11.000) in Core Data

why is NSFetchedResultsController's fetchedObjects array not always homogeneous