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New posts in nsset

How to check if an objects is inside of a NSSet of objects by using predicateWithFormat in CoreData?

Iterate over a NSSet - SwiftUI 2.0

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Retrieving an NSManagedObject from an NSSet

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NSSet -member to check equality of NSValue

How to use NSSet created from Core Data

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2 NSArrays, find intersection based on a property value?

Coredata fetch predicate for NSSet

Why is iterating through NSArray is faster than iterating through NSSet?

How to override hash and isEqual for NSManagedObjects?

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Sort NSFetchedResultsController with object in NSSet belonging to entity

Duplicated custom object in NSSet

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Convert NSMutableArray to a NSSet with the same order

How has Apple implemented NSSet?

objective-c nsset

Which is better, NSSet’s containsObject or fast enum?

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How do I get unique values from an array

How to print the contents of NSSet?

ios objective-c nsset

NSPredicate to filter out all items that are in another set

using NSPredicate with a set of answers

KVO and Core Data, Getting only the Changed Values through Observation

How do I join an NSSet's elements to create an NSString?

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