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New posts in nsmanagedobject

Correct way to update Objective C project for Xcode 8 Core Data NSManagedObject subclass changes

Core Data saving problem: can't update transformable attribute (NSArray)

Why are NSManagedObject and NSEntityDescription separate classes?

Copying pending changes between NSManagedObjectContexts with shared persistent store?

Swift CoreData: error: Failed to call designated initializer on NSManagedObject class 'NSManagedObject'

Get class name in convenience init Swift 3

Crash on retrieving entity name?

Core Data: Observing new Entity of certain type

MagicalRecord relationship mapping duplicates objects despite primary keys

NSManagedObject initWithEntity: insertIntoManagedObjectContext: EXC_BAD_ACCESS

core data : differences between managed object and entities?

CoreData - Update model class instead of creating new

How to fetch specific records in Core data

Does an NSManagedObject retain its NSManagedObjectContext?

Setting up a parent-child relationship in Core Data

Core-Data: NSLog output Does Not Show "Fields"

With CoreData, if I have an @dynamic property, can I override its getter just like it was @synthesized? (Lazy Instantiation)

How can I create instances of managed object subclasses in a NSManagedObject Swift extension?

Core-Data willSave: method