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New posts in nsmanagedobject

IOS App crash: [__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array

Swift get specific NSManagedObject from entity (core data)

Creating an NSManagedObject with NSDictionary contents

predicateWithBlock: passes NSDictionaryMapNode

RestKit: how to remove core data entries to keep the content in sync with the server?

ios restkit nsmanagedobject

How to implement NSManagedObject class conforming to Mappable

Efficient way to get relationship count in database

Why Automatically Created NSManagedObject Subclass do not have "Proper" header?

Array of NSManagedObjectIDs, fetch the objects at once

Fetched Property in Core Data

Convert existing object model to Core Data managed object model

Can't instantiate subclass of NSManagedObject

Using NSManagedObject subclasses to transport persistent and non persistent data

Restkit-loaded nested Core Data entities cause NSObjectInaccessibleException

Duplicate Symbol Error in NSManagedObject Subclass

Store But Don't Save NSManagedObject to CoreData?

CoreData: Fetching an Object from an unsaved Context

Retrieve NSManagedObjectContext from NSManagedObject

How to auto generate NSManagedObject subclasses with date attribute as Date instead of NSDate?