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How can I create instances of managed object subclasses in a NSManagedObject Swift extension?

When creating an extension helper to NSManagedObject to create a new managed object subclass, swift provides the Self type to mimic instancetype which is great, but i can't seem to typecast from AnyObject. The below code does not compile with error 'AnyObject' is not convertible to 'Self'


extension NSManagedObject
    class func createInContext(context:NSManagedObjectContext) -> Self {
        var classname = className()
        var object: AnyObject = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName(classname, inManagedObjectContext: context)
        return object

    class func className() -> String {
        let classString = NSStringFromClass(self)
        //Remove Swift module name
        let range = classString.rangeOfString(".", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: Range<String.Index>(start:classString.startIndex, end: classString.endIndex), locale: nil)
        return classString.substringFromIndex(range!.endIndex)

like image 370
amleszk Avatar asked Nov 24 '14 16:11


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2 Answers

(Updated for Swift 3/4 now. Solutions for earlier Swift versions can be found in the edit history.)

You can use unsafeDowncast to cast the return value of NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject() to Self (which is the type on which the method is actually called):

extension NSManagedObject {     class func create(in context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Self {         let classname = entityName()         let object = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: classname, into: context)         return unsafeDowncast(object, to: self)     }      // Returns the unqualified class name, i.e. the last component.     // Can be overridden in a subclass.     class func entityName() -> String {         return String(describing: self)     } } 


let obj = YourEntity.createInContext(context) 

works and the compiler infers the type of obj correctly as YourEntity.

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Martin R Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Martin R

In Swift 2 there is a very smart solution using a protocol and a protocol extension

protocol Fetchable
  typealias FetchableType: NSManagedObject

  static var entityName : String { get }
  static func createInContext(context: NSManagedObjectContext) ->  FetchableType

extension Fetchable where Self : NSManagedObject, FetchableType == Self
  static func createInContext(context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> FetchableType
    return NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName(entityName, inManagedObjectContext: context) as! FetchableType

In each NSManagedObject subclass add the protocol Fetchable and implement the property entityName.

Now the function MyEntity.createInContext(…) will return the proper type without further type casting.

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vadian Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
