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How to include .swift file from other .swift file in an immediate mode?

Having a file with function definition bar.swift:

func bar() {

And a script to be run in immediate mode foo.swift:

#!/usr/bin/xcrun swift -i

How do you import bar.swift's bar() function from foo.swift?

like image 384
Mirek Rusin Avatar asked Aug 16 '14 18:08

Mirek Rusin

1 Answers

I think the answer right now is that you can't split code across multiple files unless you compile the code. Executing with #!/usr/bin/swift is only possible for single file scripts.

It's obviously a good idea to file an enhancement request at http://bugreport.apple.com/, but in the mean time you're going to have to compile the code before executing it.

Also, your foo.swift file cannot have that name, you have to rename it to main.swift. If there are multiple files being complied, then only main.swift is allowed to have code at the top level.

So, you have these two files:




func bar() {

And compile/execute the code with:

$ swiftc main.swift bar.swift -o foobar

$ ./foobar 

If all your swift files are in the same directory, you could shorten the compile command:

$ swiftc *.swift -o foobar

Or if you want to search child directories:

$ find . -iname '*.swift' | xargs swiftc -o foobar
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Abhi Beckert Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Abhi Beckert