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SQLAlchemy : random Unique integer?

Is it possible to "escape" a method name in PHP, to be able to have a method name that clashes with a reserved keyword?

What is sa_family_t

c++ sockets types identifier

CLI Doctrine 2 - index already defined

How is this Java project using the language reserved words as identifiers?

What data type do you use for storing IDs?

types identifier

Using non-continuous integers as identifiers in cells or structs in Matlab

No such Module IQKeyboardManagerSwift

Why we use reversed url identifier on Xcode?

iphone xcode url identifier uti

Duplicated identifier for a variable in function local scope

what is the use of (Underscore) in C?

c identifier

Why does the JVM allow us to name a function starting with a digit in bytecode?

java jvm bytecode identifier

What is the difference between Boolean and [Boolean]?

vb.net identifier

Storage of facebook user id

sql facebook identifier

Self-invoking function and params?

java: <identifier> expected with ArrayList

How to efficiently identify a binary file

SQL Server query to create database is giving me an error when I include numeric characters in the database name

Is there any reason to not generate setters and getters for @Id fields in JPA?