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New posts in identifier

ZF2 - \Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform::getQuoteIdentifierSymbol()

MySQL: is there something like an internal record identifier for every record in a MySQL table?

mysql record identifier

MYSQL: Avoiding cartesian product of repeating records when self-joining

The title/action bar ID in android?

android identifier titlebar

Should bundle identifiers be lowercase or camelcase?

What is the point of unicode escape sequences in identifier names in JavaScript?

F#: Implementing interface with function name the same as the keyword begin

f# keyword identifier

Why is my code generating a syntax error?

Valid property names, property assignment and access in JavaScript

Why two individually created immutable objects have same id and mutable objects have different while both refer to same values? [duplicate]

Custom Identifier SendGrid Inbound Parse API

global identifiers? - iCloud + Core Data + Ensembles - duplicates when deleting objects

Why is 5[a] valid and does not generate an error of invalid identifier?

c arrays identifier

C++ identifier is undefined

How to implement a custom String sequence identifier generator with Hibernate

Are JPA and Hibernate entity identifiers reset to null after a rollback?

Getting transactionid(xid) from SQL

Difference between identifier and variable (in JavaScript)

How do I write the qualified name of a symbol in Haskell?