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New posts in qualified-name

"extra qualification" errors. How warranted by the Standard?

Is it ok to qualify C functions with the `std` namespace? [duplicate]

Qualified name in namespace declaration

wpf xml xaml qualified-name

explicit qualification in C++ declaration

Is qualified name in the member function declaration allowed?

In Java, why is it possible to qualify an Enum Constant with another Enum Constant?

java enums qualified-name

Ambiguous name lookup with using-directive

Is a fully qualified class name down to global scope ever required for out-of-line member function definitions?

Haskell *qualified* import of a set of functions

Do Derived1::Base and Derived2::Base refer to the same type?

How do I write the qualified name of a symbol in Haskell?

Why isn't a qualified static final variable allowed in a static initialization block?

Is it a good practice to call functions in a package via ::