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New posts in scoping

While without global

How to bind local context block to global context in Rebol2?

bind rebol scoping rebol2

Strictly speaking does the scoping assignment <<- assign to the parent environment or global environment?

r environment scoping

Understanding scoping with haskell monads

haskell monads scoping

Java scoping rules and inner classes

java inner-classes scoping

Scope of dot-dot-dot Arguments

r scoping

Accessing a class instance in a library from two separate scripts in a project

python import scoping

Understanding functions with variable scoping

r scoping

update() does not work for models created via lapply()

r lapply scoping

Scoping problem when sfApply is used within function (package snowfall - R)

r function scoping

Scheme Scoping (define and let)

scheme scoping racket

R set variable equal to what function returns. Re-evaluate variable again each time it is called [duplicate]

In writing an R package, using the flowCore::transform function, can I both use a variable name as text and get the actual value?

Code style - 'hiding' functions inside other functions

python coding-style scoping

Scope & memory issues in Scala

scala out-of-memory scoping

In R, exactly what causes an object of type name (or symbol) to be evaluated?

Why can't my Perl subroutine see the value for the variable in the foreach loop that called it?

perl foreach scoping

Can I use blocks to manage memory consumtion in C++?

c++ object scoping

Variable in generated JavaScript function doesn't behave as expected [duplicate]

javascript scoping