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New posts in names

In R, how can I set the names of an object and return it in one line?

r names

Using RegEx for validating First and Last names in Java

Java find start of file name and extension

java file find directory names

Does R ignore variable name extensions starting with a dot in a data frame?

r dataframe names

refer to range of columns by name in R

r variables dataframe names

Get anonymous function name

How to get column names from Hibernate query result in Java?

java hibernate names

How do I create an object name in R [duplicate]

r object names

remove dimnames of data.frame using unname doesn't work

r dataframe names

separate first middle last name C#

c# parsing names

Generating first names based on race/ethnicity [closed]


deleted names in a Wbk still exist and refer to locations that don't exist, slow Excel

excel names vba

Why a folder name is different in Windows Explorer than command line or cygwin?

directory names robocopy

Using `mutate` to create column copies using a named vector

r dplyr names

In R, exactly what causes an object of type name (or symbol) to be evaluated?

Creating file names automatically C++

c++ file names const-char

read.csv replaces column-name characters like `?` with `.`, `-` with `...`

r rstudio names read.csv

Preserve names when coercing vector from binary to `as.numeric`?

r vector type-conversion names

Avoid that space in column name is replaced with period (".") when using read.csv()

r names read.csv