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New posts in anonymous-function

Recursive function call wrapped in anonymous function can't be found

Are functions passed as parameters always callbacks? JavaScript

How can I use coderefs instead literal subs when there is a `&` prototype?

Ruby: Implicit Block Converted to Proc

How to identify an anonymous function

Why does calling a named assigned function fail in JavaScript?

LINQ - What does (x, i) do?

How to substitute generic anonymous functions?

How to remove event of an element that was declared by an anonymous function?

Scala anonymous function syntax and return type

scala anonymous-function

Javascript variable scope in addEventListener anonymous function

Javascript Anonymous Functions and Global Variables

javascript: Using the current for-loop counter-value inside a function() { }?

Calling anonymous functions defined as object variables in php [duplicate]

Not Using an Anonymous Function w/ Jquery Events

Julia: Passing Multiple Arguments to Anonymous Functions

JavaScript named sort function

Matlab Anonymous Function If Else

PHP force instance of Closure, sort of

What is benefit of using (function(){...})() in JavaScript