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New posts in mappedsuperclass

Hibernate inheritance with different primary key

JPA @MappedSuperclass in separate JAR in Eclipse

Value of 0 in Hibernate IndexColumn mapped with base=1

Symfony2 MappedSuperClass and doctrine:generate:entities

@MappedSuperclass and @OneToMany

symfony deployment error: mapped superclass

EclipseLink @MappedSuperclass and generics

Hibernate: how to fetch only not-logically deleted objects

Doctrine2 / Symfony2 - Multiple entities on same table

Overriding @Id defined in a @MappedSuperclass with JPA

Doctrine2: OneToMany on mapped superclass

Can I use a generic Repository for all children of a MappedSuperClass with Spring Data JPA?

MappedSuperclass - Change SequenceGenerator in Subclass