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Complex queries using Rails query language

Rails 3: Is there a `AR#or_where`?

Rails 3: Scope on an optional has_one association

shouldn't `where.not(field: "something")` include `where(field: nil)`?

ruby-on-rails-4 arel

Can you join another table that isn't an association in ARel?

Can I write this query more elegantly with AREL/ActiveRecord?

ruby activerecord arel

Group Query with Calculations on Rails 3

Arel syntax for ( this AND this) OR ( this AND this)

ruby-on-rails arel

Ho do I reference a subquery using an alias in an AREL query?

mysql ruby-on-rails arel

establish_connection doesn't seem to support joins

get RETURNING after updating a record in rails

Equivalent for SQL WITH RECURSIVE in Arel

sql ruby activerecord arel

How to use "DISTINCT ON" in conjunction with Arel / ActiveRecord?

Where can I find good AREL documentation? [closed]

Rails 4 query unique by single attribute