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How to embed a YouTube video in Markdown with Redcarpet for Rails?

Rails Active Model Serializer Include Concerns

In url, how to show title-name instead of id in ruby on rails?

Rails 4 Eager Load has_many Associations for single object

Undefined method attr_accessible error for User

How to write i18n String for Rails 4.1 Enums?

Ruby websocket client for websocket-rails gem

Rails 4 - How to match routes in namespace

Very Basic Rails 4.1 API Call using HTTParty

Heroku - Updated JavaScript and CSS Not Loading

Rails 4.1.1 w/ pg_search - "PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"" Bug

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Rails 4.1.2 - to_param escapes slashes (and breaks app)

ActiveRecord::Migrator.proper_table_name is deprecated


Are application helper methods available to all views?

How to override pool and reaping_frequency in heroku's database.yml

Rails: use REJECT_IF only on CREATE action for nested attributes

Rails 4 Sum by Model Method