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New posts in ruby-on-rails-4.1

Currency to number conversion rails

How can I use Rails image_url helper on the Controller layer so that it returns the correct value?

How to compare an enum model attribute in a controller?

validates_inclusion_of no longer working the same in Rails 4.1?

Sass import from rails engine not working

Object stored in Rails session becomes a String?

Unknown key in Rails association

Rails select() and count() don't seem to play nice

Rails 4.1.x HABTM Undefined Method 'foreign_key'

Rails reloading classes and 'has been removed from the module tree but is still active!' ArgumentError

Rails 4.1 - Write to MySQL database without typecasting

How to avoid ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest exception?

Rails 4, get all locals in partial

Rails 4.1.6 session ID

Rails 4.1 Enums: enum.status = nil

A copy of MyModel has been removed from the module tree but is still active

ruby ruby-on-rails-4.1

Rails: Disabling link_to link not working but hidden link_to working

Is there a Rails 4 circular dependent: :destroy workaround?

Rails asset pipeline: how to create custom manifest file