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New posts in activesupport

Accessing ActiveSupport::Concern class methods from within instance methods

How does ActiveSupport do month sums?

rails server throws `require': cannot load such file -- bigdecimal/util (LoadError)

coffeescript analog of try() activesupport method

"Could not find activesupport in any of the sources," even though activesupport is installed.

Why does ActiveSupport add method forty_two to Array [duplicate]

Ruby and Rails "Date.today" format

Rails app works locally, crashes on Heroku

Base64 encoded string to file (Ruby on Rails) - undefined method `unpack' Error

Long nil safe method chains [closed]

Regex global variables are not being set

Why does Object::try work if it's sent to a nil object?

Rails: Difference between 'in?' and 'include?' in Rails

cattr_accessor not working (outside rails) when active_support is required?

Rails on date object values returned by date.end_of_day.to_datetime and date.to_datetime.end_of_day when compared returns false

Extend the ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe, instantiation.active_record hook

Difference between mattr_accessor and cattr_accessor in ActiveSupport?