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New posts in activesupport

Rails: execution expired on time_zone_select

How to fix difference in behavior of activesupport 3.0.0 compare to 2.x?

ruby activesupport

uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions

Adding BigDecimal hours to DateTime is wrong by 1 second

How do I get Rails TimeZone names from obsolete TZInfo identifiers?

Use .reverse_merge or .merge in default methods params

Ruby weirdness: x == y && [x, y].uniq == [x, y]

can't activate activesupport (>= 2.3.2, runtime), already activated activesupport-2.1.2. what does it mean?

ArgumentError (A copy of Api::V1 has been removed from the module tree but is still active!)

Why does Time.now.today? return false in my Rails 4 application?

Rails date comparison; date greater or equal to days ago

Do something if value is present

validates_inclusion_of no longer working the same in Rails 4.1?

Rails Parameterize using Transliterate Doesn't work with Arabic/Unicode Strings

Bundler finds the wrong version of ruby

use of extend ActiveSupport::Concern

ruby activesupport

Stack level too deep in activesupport callbacks

Overloading a method in an ActiveSupport::Concern

ActiveSupport::TimeZone list of strings for offset