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Give a 404 instead of a 500 error for missing templates

ruby-on-rails actionview

Open file picker form my Android activity

Missing template error in Rails 4 when requesting format */*;

Why does submit_tag generate HTML with the name="commit" property?

Why rails_admin route only work in link_to and not in 'render'

Rails 3: User input escaping working differently in views and mailer

no intent to view jpg on honeycomb?

Rails: Preselect a value in ActionView-Helper 'collection_select'

Custom variable in Rails view filename

ruby-on-rails actionview

DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Base instances should be constructed with a lookup context, assignments, and a controller

How to prevent Rails from Action View logging in production

Accessing URL Helpers when Rendering Partials from Rails Models

How do I use lookup_context to make this view as DRY as possible?

Generating unique HTML ids in Rails when using a repeated partial that has form_for

Internal server error 500 on missing image file (Rails 3.2.12)

ruby-on-rails actionview

automatically load a javascript function after loading page

Rails: execution expired on time_zone_select

How can I use strip_tags in regular Ruby code (non-rails)?

html ruby tags strip actionview