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Rails validation and 'fieldWithErrors' wrapping select tags

Hide menu items when ActionLayout is opened

How to render HTML from a Rails instance variable?

ruby-on-rails actionview

Rails 3 not loading HAML handler

Rails mountable engine and overriding another engine

ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template) In ruby on rails

Android ActionBar custom action view tool-tip

ActionView::MissingTemplate after Rails 3.1 upgrade

Discrepancy when capturing Rails view block

Nested Object w/ Checkboxes - mass-assignment even with accepts_nested_attributes_for?

How do I delegate to a model's to_builder method from a JBuilder view?

How can I get rails to not render escaped quotes as \"

Rails: link_to with block and GET params?

Rails distance_of_time_in_words returns "en, about_x_hours"

Passing block to label helper in rails3

Attempt to send an email via Rails ActionMailer results in a failed call to `normalize_name` inside `lookup_context.rb`

One controller, different views for normal users and admins

Passing ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder to a partial

rails simple_nested_form_for fields_for wrong number of arguments