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Nested Object w/ Checkboxes - mass-assignment even with accepts_nested_attributes_for?

I thought that there should have been a simple solution to this, given that Rails 2.3 has this newfangled nested forms feature. Basically I want to create or update a user and assign them roles at the same time.

It seems like I'm doing everything right but I get the error WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: roles_attrributes.

I even tried changing the view to user[permissions_attrributes][role_id] because I thought that maybe the join table was confusing Rails.

Anyways, any suggestions on how this should actually work?


class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :permissions
  has_many :roles, :through => :permissions

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :roles
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :permissions

Excerpt from view (notice I tried and failed to get fields_for to generate what I want here, maybe that's my problem?)

<% for role in Role.all %>
 <%= check_box_tag( "user[roles_attrributes][id]",role.id) %>
 <%= role.rolename %>
<% end %>

Params coming across seem to be right:

"roles_attrributes"=>{"id"=>"2"}, ...

Solution A combination of me misspelling, not using attr_accessible, needing to access permissions_attributes, and the form being slightly off.


has_many :permissions, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :roles, :through => :permissions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :permissions
attr_accessible :permissions_attributes


    <%  Role.all(:order => "rolename ASC").each_with_index do |role,idx| %>
    <%= check_box_tag( "user[permissions_attributes][#{idx}][role_id]",role.id) %>
    <%= role.rolename %>
    <% end %>
like image 278
Bill Avatar asked Apr 07 '09 19:04


2 Answers

If you correct the spelling of attributes in your check_box_tag, it looks like it should work.

<% for role in Role.all %>
 <%= check_box_tag( "user[roles_attributes][id]",role.id) %>
 <%= role.rolename %>
<% end %>
like image 153
Sarah Mei Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11

Sarah Mei

it sounds like this attribute isn't marked as safe for updating. You should be able to fix it by adding the following to your model class:

attr_accessible :roles

or possibly:

attr_accessible :roles_attributes

If you look, you may already have an attr_accessible call you can add this to. For more information this is documented here:


like image 3
Adam Alexander Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11

Adam Alexander