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Rails Active Record Instance Variables

My questions is in regards to this AR and its instance variable @saved

 class PhoneNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :user
validates_presence_of :number

def self.create_phone_number( user, phone_hash )
    @new_phone = PhoneNumber.new(phone_hash)
    @user = user
    PhoneNumber.transaction do
        @user.phone_numbers << @new_phone
    @saved = true
    return  @new_phone
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
    @saved = false
    return  @new_phone

def saved?
    @saved ||= false

It is my understanding that the instance variables will keep their values through the existence of the instance.

When using this AR in my controller, saved? always returns false..

@phone_number = PhoneNumber.create_phone_number(@active_user, params[:phone_number])
puts "add_phone_number"
if @phone_number.saved? => always false

What am I missing in regards to these instance variables? Thank you

like image 624
stellard Avatar asked Mar 31 '09 19:03


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1 Answers

you're using the instance variable @saved inside a class method, the @saved var then belongs to the class, not to its instances, so you cannot call it from an instance method like #saved?.

what you can do, is, at the top of the class add:

  attr_accessor :saved

and inside the create_phone_number method, replace:

  @saved = true


  @new_phone.saved = true

then it should work

like image 133
Maximiliano Guzman Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10

Maximiliano Guzman