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New posts in actionview

How can I stop the password field being pre-populated on edit?

Rails3 button_to is calling POST action, trying to call PUT action

Rails: Not reloading engine's view path in development

ruby-on-rails actionview

Rails - Date time select in specified time zone

Upgraded Rails 4 to Rail 5- now getting "NoMethodError: undefined method `original_exception' for #<ActionView::Template::Error:0x007f243ecd5d48>"

Using rails_admin with rails_api

How to access a Rails controller view context from outside of a controller?

Display Page Load Time in Rails 3

When i try to create user rails says ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken

Rails - ActionView::Base.field_error_proc moving up the DOM tree?

Rails 5.1 : url helper for files in public folder

Why do my self-referential templates break cache digest calculation in the console and rake but not in the server?

Rails form_tag form writing - with non-active record model

Rails console - use image_tag method

How do I implement Section-specific navigation in Ruby on Rails?

Rails problem with humanize

Rails3 ActionView Template Handlers doesn't work on Production Server

ActionView::MissingTemplate Error, Only When Visited By A Bot?

How to open a file in Android via an Intent

How to call 'time_ago_in_words' from a FunctionalTest?