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New posts in actioncontroller

ActionController::RoutingError (Couldn't find..., expected it to be defined in...)

How to use Rails Action Controller Nested Params to Permit a Specific Attributes Hash

How to do "actionSheet showFromRect" in iOS 8?

How to check current password in Rails (Devise gem)?

How to disable rendering the view in ActionController TestCase (Rails 3.0.9)

Rails root_url has two forward slashes when default_url_options trailing_slash is true

Transfer only a part of properties in a class in struts' json

Rails 5.0.0beta3: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in development

Transaction Action with Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails - When to use params.permit! and how to replace it

how to validate a record in table before saving in ruby on rails

Rails best practice for having same form on multiple pages

Rails 3.2 - ActiveResource - Using POST/PUT with JSON

What module is needed with ActionController::Metal to be able to pass status code to render?

How to get ActionController::Live streaming working with Thin?

Why controller action should call one model method other than an initial find or new?

Getting Action controller unknown format error- for rails 4 + unobtrusive javascript and AJAX call

rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError in Rails 4