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JavaScript date function returns "Date {Invalid Date}" in Firefox browser

How important do you think Progressive Enhancement is? [closed]

Is there a best way to organize Javascript code?

show div if unobtrusive validation was invalid and hide it if Valid in MVC 3

MVC3 DataAnnotationsExtensions error using numeric attribute

MVC 3 and "Javascript-Disabled" browsers

jquery unobtrusive

form.submit() missed by rails.js UJS observer

Compare validator is always firing off even when the passwords are the same

Force unobstructive syntax without Html.BeginForm / Ajax.BeginForm in partial view

jQuery how to trigger event after form post returns?

JavaScript function offsetLeft - slow to return value (mainly IE9)

jQuery Accordion definition list with multiple description items

Unobtrusive Javascript onclick


Associating data to a DOM element for jQuery

MVC 3 Ajax.ActionLink not working

How to wait for and accept an alert box with capybara/selenium

Hrefs vs JavaScript onclick (with regard to Unobtrusive JavaScript)

Ajax Forms with Rails 3 - Best Practice?

MVC unobtrusive validation on checkbox not working