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New posts in progressive-enhancement

How important do you think Progressive Enhancement is? [closed]

Make jQuery AJAX have a non-javascript (non-ajax) fallback?

How to write CSS fallbacks for when Javascript is disabled

Preferred technique for using HTML5 elements/ARIA roles

Difference in button width between Firefox and Chrome

How to fade in an entire web page -- accessibly

What do you do if your site visitors have JavaScript disabled?

How to make a progressive enhancement on an HTML list with angularjs?

Using @supports selector() despite Sass not supporting it

How do I implement an interstitial "loading..." page in ASP.NET MVC?

Can you use an HTML5 video/audio player with a Flash fail-safe?

javascript lazy loading the progressive enhancement way?

Mixing an @supports with an @media query in CSS

How to create Progressive web app apk/any type of file that can be distributed in a enterprise devices

Progressive enhancement with Django and Backbone - how to integrate the two?

How do you use HTML5 tags while supporting Progressive Enhancement for no-script clients that don't natively recognize unknown elements?

How to enhance a server side generated page with Aurelia.io?

How do I build a gracefully-degrading HTML5 Range?

Is progressive enhancement a current issue anymore?

How can I check if a user's computer supports Emoji?