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New posts in activeresource

How should look link the json response so that ActiveResource may generate a DateTime object from a date?

Can ActiveResource models integrate with ActiveRecord models?

CarrierWave with ActiveResource

uninitialized constant ::ActiveResource

Active resource error "ArgumentError at expected an attributes Hash, got " [duplicate]

Connect to ActiveResource/ActiveRecord with a Delphi client

delphi activeresource

Internal REST API

Measuring outbound requests per second?

Get a member URL action with ActiveResource

How can I specify prefix parameters when saving a nested ActiveResource?

Shopify API: Retrieve multiple records via id in a single call

How do I create an ActiveRecord relationship to an ActiveResource object?

Formatting of Rails logs when using ActiveRecord

Rails 3.2 - ActiveResource - Using POST/PUT with JSON

ActiveResource adds an extra class when running rails console in development