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New posts in actioncontroller

FInding out which before_filters are already set in Rails 3

Rails: How to choose which js file a controller action to render?

Rescue from routing error rails 3.1

One controller, different views for normal users and admins

Ruby on Rails 301 redirection

Rails ActionController unknown format

Best way to catch :abort signal thrown in Rails 5 controller

Rails 6 - constant ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken

rescue_from ::AbstractController::ActionNotFound not working

RoR - Which is preferred - Rack Middleware or Active Controller Filters?

Rails "action" params key conflict

Rails 4.2 ActionController:BadRequest custom error message

How to access a Rails controller view context from outside of a controller?

How to allow Binary File download using GRAPE API

Rails 3: Proper way to Delete resource using respond_with

Running threads inside my rails controller method

after_filter for exceptions

Why is Rails before_filter called twice when the controller is subclassed?

Rails 4 has_one association form not building