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axslx: undefined method for yard

yard axlsx

Rails AXLSX gem trying to merge cells of last row created

Setting a hyperlink text color in axlsx

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Rails Axlsx Column Width And Wrap Text

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Axlsx gem: is it possible to apply a background color to individual cells?

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How to format currency columns in Axlsx?

ruby-on-rails ruby excel axlsx

How do I get the row index after I do an .add_row using the axlsx gem?

ruby axlsx

Modify specific cell value using Axlsx gem given the column number and row numer

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Setting Excel column widths correctly when adding to spreadsheet via Axlsx

AXLSX: Parsing xlsx file for rspec tests

Axlsx merge cells based on row-column number like in Spreadsheet gem

Gem axlsx how to set font font_name?

ruby axlsx

How to I add a hyperlink to a cell in axlsx?

ruby excel spreadsheet axlsx

Axlsx - Formatting text within a cell

ruby-on-rails ruby axlsx

axlsx : acts_as_xlsx : how do i add style to only one cell?

format axlsx

Rails ActionController unknown format