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New posts in jquery-validate

RequireJS with jQuery Validation - Set the Default Settings

Jquery Validation plugin validate date like 20/August/2013 Safari Bug?

Detect when text is entered into the textarea and change it correspondingly

JQuery Validate Custom Error messages in multiple places (top of form and at form level)

jquery jquery-validate

jquery validate future date addMethod();

jquery date jquery-validate

jQuery Validation not working on jQuery UI Dialog

Jquery form validation custom error placement in <div> container

Validate numbers, parenthesis and spaces only in jQuery validation

jquery validate errorplacement with a specific place

jquery jquery-validate

Revalidate an element when changed programmatically with javascript

jQuery validate submits form twice

jQuery Validate Credit Card Expiry Date in Rules addMethod Limit 20 Years in Future

Check if form is valid without re-running jquery validation

Jquery Validate Max Method With a Dynamic Value?

Validate date and datetime with Bootstrap datetime picker, Jquery validation plugin in an Asp.Net MVC4 application

jquery form validation ajaxSubmit()

jQuery validator: Call method added with addMethod

jquery jquery-validate

validate form input type file type using jquery validate plugin

Disable Required Validation Specific Field in the View ASP.NET MVC 4

jquery validation: call ajax and close bootstrap modal form after entire form validates