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Why won't IRB work after I mistyped a string?

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How do I get the "irb(main):001:0>" prompt instead of ">>"

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Where does the variable "p" get it's value from in ruby if it's not defined explicitly?

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What's the difference between the ruby irb prompt modes?

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rvm, irb and require - not working for installed gems under irb

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Rails console history command (via pry) -- can it be grepped or tailed?

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See where a symbol is defined in irb

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How to escape/exit in IRB after entering code that requires more input/does not execute right away [closed]

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Customising IRB console for gem

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How can a Ruby class detect the process name that runs it?

Rails: How to cancel current statements in rails console?

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IRB.start not starting

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Strange irb behaviour, listing content current directory

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running a Unit test from irb or pry

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Why Module.methods() and respond_to? works differently in irb than in script?

Can not use variable in IRB after var = Watir::Browser.start 'url'

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Rails check if IRB console or webpage

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Reload rubygems in irb?

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Reload rubygem in IRB

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Strange behavior with '_' (underscore) in Ruby

ruby irb