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How to run script before every Rails console invocation?

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How to experiment with rspec from within irb

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Does Ruby use $stdout for writing the output of puts and return?

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Ruby Configure IRB to Pretty_Inspect by Default

Is it possible to configure the IRB prompt to change dynamically?

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Test local version of gem in Rails project

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Ruby - how to reload a file with changes in IRB or PRY?

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How to get unstuck in Ruby irb? [duplicate]

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What is the class of "if/unless" etc

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Problems installing rdoc, irb, bluecloth, chronic on fedora 12

Ruby - return an array in random order

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'script/console test' with spork and rspec not loading the whole environment?

How do I quit from debugger without exiting my IRB session?

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Is /etc/irbrc installed by OS X? Does irb read it?

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IRB - Ruby 1.9.x hash syntax: {if: true} is not equal to {:if => true}

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How to print a string with a backward slash in Ruby

Why did I get "main.using is permitted only at toplevel" when I used a Refinement in IRB?

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File.open and blocks in Ruby 1.8.7

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