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In Ruby, if you assign a function to a variable, why does it automatically run?

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loading documents on IRB ruby


Rails irb default directory

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Singleton class and instance variables

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Ruby: overriding the puts method

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How to incorporate Interactive Ruby into my development process?

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Reading docs in irb

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Why Active Record relation is not returned in console?

Using ice_cube Ruby gem in IRB

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How can a Ruby script detect that it is running in irb?

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Explanation of Ruby code for building Trie data structures

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How can I avoid the console output when assigning a value to a variable in Ruby

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IRb: how to start an interactive ruby session with pre-loaded classes

Can I repeat command in irb?

ruby irb

NameError: uninitialized constant Object::User

Rails console tips, tricks and customizations

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How to force a vertical table or limit columns in Hirb?

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How can I input multibyte characters in rails console (or irb)?

ruby irb

"bundle install" not creating Gemfile.lock when issued from a Rails console system command

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accessing variables in loaded source while in irb

ruby irb