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Require not able to find ruby file

ruby irb

Is there a way to get out of a "hung" state in IRB?

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Ruby's irb equivalent in Perl?

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All commands in irb giving "NoMethodError: undefined method `write' for nil:NilClass"

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How to kill a scan operation in hbase shell without Ctrl-C

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Why does my IRB prompt with ANSI color codes mess up page up/down behavior with copy/paste?

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Undoing auto-indentation

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Can't find gems in irb: "NameError: uninitialized constant Gem from (irb)"

Can I open a rails console in read-only mode?

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Require command not working within bash irb on Snow Leopard

Why does Ruby tend to assign object IDs in descending order?

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Unicode characters in Ruby 1.9.3 IRB with RVM

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RubyOnRails: How do I use helper methods in Rails Console?

suppressing IRB output? [duplicate]

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Digest::MD5 in Ruby 1.9.3

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Ruby 1.9.2: irb throws ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 when entering German Umlaut

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IRB doesn't respect dot (.) as a word-break character

ruby irb

IRB analogue of python -i

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How do I compile Readline support into Ruby

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Easy way to suppress SQL output in Rails console?