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How to kill a scan operation in hbase shell without Ctrl-C

Sometimes when I run a scan '<tablename>. I see a continuous flood of data being printed because the table is big. I want to kill the process that print the data. Is there a way to do it other than Ctrl-C? because Ctrl-C kills the shell process and I don't want to exit the shell.

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ssgao Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 14:06


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What is scan in HBase?

Scaning using HBase Shell The scan command is used to view the data in HTable. Using the scan command, you can get the table data. Its syntax is as follows: scan '<table name>'

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1 Answers

You could use scan with LIMIT to limit the scan output on shell :

scan 'table', LIMIT => 5

This will show you only 5 rows. You could also press ctlr+s to hold the scan, if you have done a full scan and want to hold on at a specific row.

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Tariq Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
