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~/.irbrc not executed when starting irb or script/console

Does the || operator evaluate the second argument even if the first argument is true?

ruby irb

Can you 'require' ruby file in irb session, automatically, on every command?

ruby irb

Ruby. How can I copy and paste in irb on Windows?

How do I dynamically create a local variable in Ruby?

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How do I start IRB console from a rake task?

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How to use RSpec expectations in irb

How to attach the Rubymine IDE debugger to a shell process?

rails console pry/irb "stuck" after displaying long value/string

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How can I pass <arguments> to IRB if I don't specify <programfile>?

ruby argument-passing irb

Can't enter Umlauts in Ruby 1.9.3 IRB

ruby macos encoding utf-8 irb

Why does the =~ operator only sometimes have side effects?

How to disable the logger in script/console

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How to run Ruby programs in MAC OS Terminal [duplicate]

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Rails console - use image_tag method

why does irb freak out sometimes when I paste in a script?

ruby irb

How do you save IRB inputs to a .rb file?

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How can I clear the rails console history

automatically load project's environment to irb

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Regular expression "empty range in char class error"

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