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Why does hitting the left arrow in irb give me "^[[D"?

ruby irb

Pasting text into IRB is incredibly slow. Readline issue?

Rails3 irb console vs rails console?

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irb history not working

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Load file to rails console with access to variables defined in this file

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rails console fails with `Switch to inspect mode` in windows

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How do I make vi editing-mode work in IRB when using RVM?

rvm vi irb

How to format irb command prompt

ruby irb

How can I obtain an interactive shell (like Ruby's irb) for Java?

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In IRB, can I view the source of a method I defined earlier?

ruby irb

How can I access a variable defined in a Ruby file I required in IRB?

rbenv irb history is not saving

ruby history irb rbenv

If I defined a Ruby method in IRB, how do I edit that method without retyping everything?

ruby irb

Rails 3 - How can you get access to Devise's current_user in the IRB console?

How do I Quit IRB from the command line? (Using terminal on mac)

ruby-on-rails terminal irb

rails console - display active record results in a table

How to run IRB.start in context of current class

ruby irb

Neither ruby and nor irb can load .rb file in current directory

How to load environment variables in the Rails console?

Backspace and arrow keys aren't working in IRB(Git Bash console) on windows machine

ruby irb git-bash