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New posts in pretty-print

SOAPUI not apply pretty-print format to response

xml soap soapui pretty-print

Convert a concatenated VB.NET string literal to a multi-line string

Printing a dict of lists as a grid-layout

Local scope for numpy set_printoptions

Is there an easy way to reverse pretty print of json in vim?

Pretty Printers Error while executing Python code in Eclipse Ubuntu 14

How to pretty print using jq, so that multiple values are on the same line?

Change tab spacing in python lxml prettyprint

python xml lxml pretty-print

Keep format width in scientific notation

r formatting pretty-print

Haskell Equivalent of OCaml's Format library

haskell ocaml pretty-print

Pretty print XML with Swift 3

xml swift swift3 pretty-print

Pretty-printing comma-separated list of strings in ant

ant pretty-print

How to print pretty xml in javascript?

javascript xml pretty-print

An extra blank line in a vcat in the wl-pprint package

haskell pretty-print

How to support pretty-printing in custom python 3 classes?

python pretty-print

Printing each attribute with newline using Element from lxml

python xml lxml pretty-print

Modifying the pretty printer from haskell-src-exts

haskell pretty-print

Pretty-print arrays on failure

ruby rspec pretty-print