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New posts in watir-webdriver

How to click a link in only a single class

regex watir watir-webdriver

Watir-webdriver: how to change attribute value without js/jquery


How to set value of text field all at once with a webdriver?

Multiple concurrent browser tests with watir-webdriver through different browsers

how do I retrieve list of element attributes using watir webdriver

ruby watir-webdriver

Error in running a simple watir script: uninitialized constant Watir::IE (NameError)

Watir Webdriver Text Input Slow on IE

Watir Webdriver - Changing proxy on google chrome

`marshal data too short` error message while installing watir-webdriver on Windows XP

How can I find an <acronym> tag with watir-webdriver without taking a huge performance hit?

watir watir-webdriver

Retrieve text from span element in watir webdriver

watir watir-webdriver

How to simulate CTRL+Click with watir-webdriver?

watir watir-webdriver

Watir Webdriver : Iterating table and storing its content in an array

Making sure I have a timeout set while using watir to wait for page load

ruby watir watir-webdriver

A child browser window closing itself apparently breaks Watir-webdriver's link to the parent window?

Watir Webdriver counting number of items in a UL list

watir watir-webdriver