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How can I get rails to not render escaped quotes as \"

In my layout I have

<% @current_user.popups.each do |p| %>
  <% content_for :script do %>
    <%= "$(document).ready ( function() { $.jGrowl(\"#{p.message}\", { sticky: true }) });" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

And then in the script section I have

<%= yield :script %>

The problem is that this renders the escaped quotes as \&quot; and javascript doesn't like this.

How can I stop this from happening? Or is there another approach to this? I can't use single quotes because I'd like to have some html in the message. I'd appreciate any help.

like image 304
James Avatar asked May 17 '10 22:05


1 Answers

Are you using Rails 3? In Rails 3 html escaping is done by default and you must bypass it each time like the following: jdl had the right idea above, but it sounds like you still have issues.

<% content_for :script do %>
  $(document).ready ( function() { $.jGrowl("<%= raw(p.message) %>", { sticky: true }) });
<% end %>

But even better would be to run it through the helper provided by rails: escape_javascript so escape carriage returns and quotes

like this:

$(document).ready ( function() { $.jGrowl("<%= raw(escape_javascript(p.message)) %>", { sticky: true }) });
like image 109
Daniel Beardsley Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Daniel Beardsley