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New posts in activesupport

What should I not include in the `included do ... end` block?

ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess on Embedded Form Update

Parse time with strptime using Time.zone

ruby datetime activesupport

What purpose can anonymous modules serve?

Rails 3.2 to 4.0 Upgrade: Undefined method to_datetime for false:FalseClass

trying to require active_support in gem

converting Date object to TimeWithZone

How to convert MS excel date from float to date format in Ruby?

Overriding methods in an ActiveSupport::Concern module which are defined by a class method in the same module

Default TimeZone with ActiveSupport (without Rails)

ruby timezone activesupport

Why are autoload, load_all! and require all used in active_support.rb?

undefined method `zone` for Time:Class after requiring active_support/time_with_zone

ruby activesupport

How can I convert JSON to XML in Ruby?

ruby xml json activesupport

Testing ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone objects for equality

rails activesupport notifications - wrong db runtime value

Is there a setup_class/teardown_class for Rails tests?

What do I need to do to get Hash.from_xml() to work?

ruby xml hash activesupport

Rails ActiveSupport time and timezone error on Alpine Linux

ruby time alpine activesupport

undefined method `to_json' for #<Hash:0x3d3cef0> (NoMethodError) in ActiveSupport 3

ruby activesupport

How do I filter or remove logging of ActiveJob arguments?