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New posts in rails-activejob

How to extend ActiveJob to access delayed_job's failure/error hooks?

In Rails 4.2 check if a job is already enqueued

Mandrill SMTP giving EOFError: end of file reached errors

Handle dependent destroy via active jobs

Active Job - How to cancel a scheduled Action Mailer job?

Rails 5.1 ActiveJob on Puma development not performing specific enqueued job

DRY in ActiveJob::Base

How to test that ActiveJob is enqueued?

ActiveJob + Sidekiq 6.0.3: How to write to a log file?

Expect multiple Rails Active Jobs of the same class to be enqueued with different parameters

Schedule an ActiveJob in Rails

Should I use rails5 ActiveJob default async adapter for small background job in production?

List queued tasks with ActiveJob AsyncAdapter

How to avoid race condition in a rails model that records payments and running balance?

Rails Async Active Job doesn't execute code, while inline does

Active Job with Rails 4 and Devise

How to set retry count for Sidekiq with ActiveJob?

sidekiq rails-activejob

Execute pending job with ActiveJob in rspec